Monday 3 September 2012

Little things I miss from my native !

1. TV channels - Awww, I miss the TV channnels back home, oh gosh! In this city, its almost all about ****i language channels I am so sick and tired of it.
I miss MTV Asia, I miss Jakarta channel, Korean channel, I miss those channels from China, some from Singapore etc. 
2. I miss the easily available pork and beef to buy. Here I have to travel 25 - 40 mins just to get a pork, here its all about chicken, chicken and chicken, this is a city of chicken!
3. I miss the greenery, the blue skies, the air, the clean surroundings.
4. My dog Tom.
5. The second hand market, I can get one nice cocktail dress for just a few money. Even though it is second hand, they are in good condition. Even jeans, fresh new fashion jeans for just few bucks, its awesome. I love our second hand bales in our market....We **** loves second hand clothes, its cheap, lots of variety, they are always of the latest fashion, seriously all these second hand bales comes from developed world and they are in good condition with latest trends, its a secodn hand just in the name. You will find D&G dress for just few bucks, or fresh Abercrombie T-shirt for just 2 dollars.
6. My little relatives/cousins who made my live so bearable there. If they are not there, I sure will have mostly a depressing time there.

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