Wednesday 21 December 2011

Digging of earth and dust

The city I currently lives in seem to dug the ground all the time, its either here or somewhere there. Its so annoying specially that it brings the dust. Even when there is no digging, dust is one of the omni-present in this city.

Since the last 2 weeks, some government construction were digging the side road of my area, seems they are putting a pipe underneath. And now that its over but they leave a residue of fresh sand, its so sandy and dusty. Not only that its winter, so weather is quite dry with a fog ( or shall i call it a smog, as its more of a fog mixed with polluted air ) so with the dusty sand and the fog around, I feel claustrophobic.

The reason of digging all through the year somewhere or the other in this city is basically due to the lack of proper planning from the beginning. Also, its a city where thousands people from outside immigrate in this city all the time, so there is a need to increase some of the things like more pipe or sewer, or even more telephone and internet cables. So digging seems to have solve the situation temporarily for few years, and then another digging. Its like a cycle of digging to me.

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