Saturday 7 January 2012


How I hate acne!
I have acne since I was about 15 yrs, and I passed 25 yrs couple of years ago and I still have acne. Its annoying as hell. It does lowered my self-esteem at some point in my life. It was not a flagrant acne that spread my whole face, but I have them mostly on my forehead and lower cheek. In my first phases of acne, it is only on my forehead, and rarely on my cheeks. After some years passed, I also start to have on my cheeks, specially on my right side of cheeks. I had been to so many dermatologist  and tried too many skin ointments, soaps and tablets that I am somehow very reluctant to try another medicine, thinking this might not really solve. There are some drugs that worked well while using it, but as soon as I stop the drug the result of the drugs also stops, like the drugs never permanently kill the acne bacteria. I want a permanent solution of removing acne. 

These days I am starting another medicine again, I hope this time it works and a permanent erase of acne from my skin.

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