Tuesday 18 March 2014

Note to self

To self - You will meet people who will dislike/feel insecure/not feeling comfortable with your (strong) personality, or your vocal free speech on certain topic, or maybe the fact that you are direct and straight face unlike the diplomatic behaviour, or your lack of sugar coating things.

When those times happen, stand on your feet and your belief, which is honesty, bravery and integrity. They will try to hammer you down. But excellent and play smart in what you do, play smart but not compromising with your integrity.

One day, it will pays off. Know that you are going to reach so high, much high above all those people. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Indian Holi

I know the whole town is playing with colors today, but thank god I stay in (as I have been doing since long) ... I don't do Holi. I am not a Holi person, nothing to do with religion... Definitely not enthused with getting wet with water and different powder colors all over you (and it takes weeks to clean off, depend on the colors use)... and my first years of Holi experience was not the best experienced, some rough guys throwing plain water (sometimes mix with water) from their car or balcony from weeks before the actual day arrive (and seems like they targeted girls), going out to get a milk, or bread was always a big scary adventure from weeks before. I think it can also depend on the area of where all this rough guys are in a plenty. Another possibility is also that, as years passed by, I guess this throwing water or colors weeks before the actual day is slowly less and less.

Monday 3 March 2014

M's opinion on local bikers club

Yesterday a friend who have a beautiful modified Enfield, told me that he recently joined a Harley Davidson club in the city (though his bike was not Harley), he went to their get-together dinner in one of the nice restaurant in my neighbouring mall, and what he said was, none of the locals with their Harley have much knowledge on bikes, forget about some modification or do something with their tons of money worth bikes, he feels the whole Harley Bikers club in town was so fake, no knowledge about bikes in general, not even their own Harley, seems like a bunch of local men who have enough money to buy Harley in this developing country and never actually ride it, except once in a month or once in two months for this Harley Bikers gatherings somewhere in some posh restaurant... In the same league, I'll put those locals who called themselves a staunch rock music lovers, or as a friend J from my city called them 'wannabe rockers', and in her own sentences --"The type that try to make up for their lack of badass-ness with musical instruments or admirable vocal chords with black clothing and dirty hair. And they came out in droves at the concert, men and women alike, who probably know a song or two of Metallica's (most likely 'Nothing else matters') and proclaim themselves die-hard Metallica fans"...Or for that matter, calling themselves a huge rock music fans.
(for further read on her blog - http://dignifiedcow.blogspot.in/search?updated-min=2011-01-01T00:00:00%2B05:30&updated-max=2012-01-01T00:00:00%2B05:30&max-results=30)