Friday 16 March 2012

At work today!

Let me just write down how one person at work talk to me, I was working on my system and she talk to me from behind and i did'nt realise she was standing there untill she open her mouth.
Her - Zo, give me 20
Me - Suddenly turn my back looking up at her, with surprise that she was standing, also the tone of voice with an 'order' statement... and I finally said, "For?"
Her - Its A's birthday, for the cake.
Me - I don't have money here, I have to go outside to the locker room. ( and then I stand up)
While i stand up from my chair and locking my system while standing up she said this...
Her - Lock your system and get the money.
OMG, can't these people stop behaving like some 'big boss', or let say 'old woman'. Is this the way to talk to people/others, to anybody? ...
ps-these bitches are annoying as hell, me and one colleague call them ' aunties' ...hahaha ( evil laughter) and these aunties are the same level as ours but just so we are new in this org.they are showing their authorities and seniority ( though we are all same post and position) basically i may call it 'bullying'.

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